
Friday, July 15, 2011

cool little etsy purchase

I love looking at all the great stuff on etsy and occasionally purchase some great things from there.
I recently came across an interesting etsy shop and couldn't click fast enough to purchase some
cool little industrial letters.

Peppercorns is run by a sweet person, Linda.  
She specializes in vintage marquee letters, vintage artwork and gift bags and cards.
When I saw the vintage marquee letters, I had to have some.

Linda tells me her sister also has an etsy shop called Vintage Embellishment
where you can find more vintage marquee letters along with many other wonderful things.

Here are my letters right after opening.  Linda also threw in 
a cute little unexpected surprise with my order.  (thanks!)

I have a blank space above this door in the kitchen and
wanted a little something to put there.

How cute!

The letters are resting on the moulding and I put some "tack" 
the back of each one.  "Tack" is that yellow rubbery stuff teachers use to hang things
in the classroom and it's removeable. 

I told Linda that if she ever finds any more that spell out "sweet"
to please let me know so I can add that above the "tea".

Up close, you can see some chips, blue paint specks and wear.
I love that.

I also ordered these "Gs" from her.

This one will be added to my wall I'm working on.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this creamy tan one that still has paint on it; 
there are so many possibilities.  Originally, I had planned to
add it to the wall too but it has this cool little lip on it that allows you to hang it.

I hung it on my big metal tote for now just so I can look at it.

I just love this little letters.

Wouldn't it be cool to spell "hi" on the front door with these letters?
How about "family" on a family room wall or "etc" in your craft room? 
There are so many possibilities.
Thanks Peppercorns!

I don't know Linda from Peppercorns personally and I'm not benefiting financially
in anyway by promoting her site in this post.  
I just ordered something from her and loved it so I thought I would share.  


  1. Very cute! Can't ever go wrong with typography!

  2. I am going to check out Peppercorns 'cause I think those are awesome!

  3. WOW! I'm totally blown away by your awesome post! Thank you and I'm so happy you like your letters. I love seeing what you've done with them.

    If you want to bend the tabs on the unpainted letters, they can be bent with pliers, or by using the edge of a board. Just thought I'd add that little tidbit. LOL

    Again, thank you so much.

  4. They are great...tea is one of those little words that can spell others. It can also be "eat" and "ate". I learned that playing boggle!!

  5. You're not gonna believe this but I have those same letters on my etsy favorites list from this past week....!! What a surprise to see your post!!

  6. Those letters are awesome! I'm going to check out those Etsy shops right now... :)

  7. Very cool!! i love finding great shops on etsy too!! Thanks for sharing this great find

  8. Those are great! I love the bare metal.
    If you get tired of looking at TEA, you could always make them say EAT!

  9. Thanks for your visit to my blog! These letters are awesome! They would be so fun to add to a friends' gift wrapping too!

  10. I've started shopping on Etsy too...everything I have wanted recently I have found from a old wood tool box to a vintage wire basket. These letters are wonderful!
