I must be one of the last ones to show you my home. I'm notorious for putting things off until the last minute and Christmas decorating and shopping are no exception. Surprisingly, I'm finished decorating and just about finished shopping and there are still a few days left before Christmas. That's a first for me.
When it comes to Christmas decorating, I can sum up my style in 3 words: red, metal, traditional.
Now I'm not one of you awesome people who decorate every room. I decorate the front porch, the entry and dining room and mantel area. That's about it. My idea of decorating the entire house is putting some Twisted Peppermint soap from Bath and Body Works in the bathrooms and calling it a day.
So, here are my little decorations.
The Front Porch
A simple bucket of red ornament balls
They add a little sparkle...especially at night when the Christmas lights are on.
Did I mention we have a surrey? With fringe on top and everything.
Wouldn't it be cute to sit your little one in that for Christmas picture?
My almost 14 yr old little one wouldn't do it.
Pardon the cords but the surrey has white lights on it and is so cute lit up at night.
The metal Santa in the back also has lights inside.
As a kid, my sister and I would pedal around on this thing.
My cousin gave me this old metal snowman one year for Christmas.
He's all cracked and rusted and so cute.
3 metal mittens hang by the door.
The Entry and Dining Room
We have this cool old sled. It's in great condition because we live in Texas.
Not much opportunity for sledding around here.
The little tags are metal and spell out "jingle bells" when they all
face the same direction. Love those little red bells.
The tree is in the dining room for two reasons: 1) I love it lit up at night in the front window of our house
and 2) it's fun to have dinner by the glow of the lights
All of the ball are red even though they look pink in the pic.
Love the tin icicles.
White chippy tin snowman from my neighbor.
Handpainted tin bear ornament
These vintage red ornaments were given to us by my mother-in-law
for one of our first Christmases. She had used them for their first Christmases.
I've had the tin icicles for years. I can't even remember where I got them.
I still have so many presents to wrap.
The Fireplace Area
These "old looking" stocking hangers are cast iron and I picked them up
a few years ago at Target. Yep, Target and they were cheap.
Sorry for the blurry pics but I love this little tree.
It's made of bells painted all different colors. I got it a few years ago
at Michael's craft store. I bet some of you crafty people could make one!
My recently acquired cheap red vintage ladder has found a home in our main living area.
Happy Holidays!