Monday, April 25, 2011

rockin' industrial towel rack

I find myself going a little more industrial these days.  
Industrial seems to fit well with my cottage-ish style. 
In the main bathroom downstairs, I've been on the lookout for a new towel rack
and I found one!

Get a load of this great towel rack.  

I didn't even have to stencil numbers on it. It came with them already.
They're actually a bit raised and some of the white paint is a bit worn.

It has 5 industrial metal double hooks so it can hold 10 towels.  
Since we would never have 10 towels on it at once, I'm on the lookout
now for some type of bag or basket or other container to hang on it.

Isn't that cool?

The hooks slide so they can be close together

or far apart.  
It looks awesome with the artwork my son did when he was 10.

I've never shown the rest of the bathroom. 
Here's our huge "G" on the wall and reflected in the mirror.

We painted the builder's basic white cabinets a satin black and added nickel knobs.

We replaced the white toilet seat with a shiny black one.  
I highly recommend it if you have boys.  It actually looks clean between cleanings.

I've had this old vintage medicine cabinet for awhile and it works perfectly in here.
There is no other medicine cabinet so it's functional too.  I have a collection of old locks
on top along with an old iron car and a classic book, "How to be a Rockstar" that matches it all.
This used to be my son's bathroom when his bedroom was downstairs.  
He's a musician so we incorporated that a bit into the space.

So, where did I get the cool towel rack to fit my industrial cottage rockin' bathroom?
I didn't have to go far.

I shopped my own antique booth.  I know, that's not a way to make a profit, huh?
Actually, I shopped my pal Jennie's stuff in our booth.  I bought it from her.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Do you shop Terrain?

Have you ever shopped Terrain? I love it. 
Some of it's a little out of my price range but other things are really reasonable.

Here are a couple of things that have caught my eye lately.

folding garden chair

french folding chair
crossback outdoor iron chair in red with a weathered finish

Wouldn't these make the coolest dining room chairs?

Terrain doesn't know me and certainly didn't compensate me in any way for this post. 
I just happen to like their stuff.  Now, if they wanted me to try out something of theirs and 
then post about it, I would more than happy to take them up on that offer. 
Do you think they can hear me?  Hello?  Terrain?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sprucing up the front porch

The weather has been fairly warm here for awhile and we've needed to spruce up the front porch.

Last fall we painted the ceiling blue and painted the fan with aluminum paint.

Now we've added a coffee table made out of an old window and table legs.

Having some of my buckets underneath makes for an interesting view.

This is an easy project; just attach 4 legs to an old window.

Love that the old hardware is still on the window.

We did have a metal "G" on the front door but my husband and son hated it
because it made a loud noise hitting against the door whenever we opened and closed it.

So, I put this metal flower pocket back on the door with some flowers.  
I'll be on the hunt for something else to put there.

I didn't see when I took this picture that my husband had garden paper bags in the rocking chair.
After I saw the picture, I kind of like the look of the bags.  It makes me think I need a 
burlap or feedsack pillow in that chair.

Last year we added this birdhouse to the front garden.  I loved the chippy finish on it.
However, the paint color on the house was pinkish light tan and it just didn't work with our 
fresh white columns and the perfect shade of blue on the stand that is attached to it.

So, I painted it white.  I didn't prep it or clean it up much or sand it.  I just slapped white paint on it.
Do you know what that means?  That means the white paint will chip pretty quickly so 
I will have a chippy white finish in no time.  That's what I like.

Our poor old double rocker is falling apart so we may be on the lookout for some new porch furniture.
I'm not sure what kind I want so we'll see where the hunt leads us.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Winner, Winner! Winner?

We have a winner in my giveaway.  In fact, we have two!  Okay, we have 3!  Since 3 is my number and I have quite a few milk bottles, I decided to go ahead and pick 3 winners.  I was so excited by the number of comments I had this time.  It was double my last giveaway!  There were 48 entries on my last one and 96 on this one.  Wow! That makes me excited enough to pick 3 winners.
Imagine what I would do if I had 5000 followers and 300 comments on a giveaway!
I don't think we'll ever know :)

The original giveaway is two of the huge rusty paperclips and 3 of the small vintage milk bottles.
The winner of that little package is

The second winner has won 3 vintage milk bottles and one paperclip and that is

Winner No. 3 will also take home 3 vintage milk bottles and a paperclip and that is

Congratulations everyone.  
Email me your mailing address and I'll get these goodies
wrapped and mailed out to you.

Thanks to everyone who entered.  
I planning another giveaway soon when this happens.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

If you're in the neighborhood...

If you live in North Texas or happen to be visiting the area, you really should check out the 
It's got all your favorite Wisteria items, but at low, low, low prices...actually I think Jennie and I
may have said once or twice, "oh my gosh, that's cheap!"

We stopped by there this weekend and I could have spent a small fortune.
However, I used restraint and only bought a few things.
I may go back though :)

First up, I bought 3 of these pillows.  I don't know what they are stuffed with, 
but they are squishy cushy soft.  They are a neutral linen with this
red banded material on the front. 
They are about 14"x 22" or so. 
Guess how much?

C'mon, take a guess.

Pretty huh?  They set me back a whopping $14 bucks each.
That's it.  

Then there's this:

They had these big red burlap bags with rope.
The bottoms are a bit stiff and round so they will actually sit up on the floor
when you begin to fill them up.
These come in different sizes but I bought a couple of the large and
three of the extra large...and they are HUGE.  They could
easily hold a couple of comforters, pillows and blankets...or
a week's worth of laundry.

Red burlap!  That's like my dream fabric.  

These huge red burlap bags cost me...wait for it...
a buck each!  Yep, $1.00 each.  So, I used a five dollar bill
to get 5 of them.  Say it with me, "oh my gosh, that's cheap!"

I also picked up two of these linen dish towels...big linen kitchen towels
with navy blue stripes down each side.  These have to be about
18" x 30", maybe 36".  They are long.

They each have a little loop at the top so you can hang them on a cool hook.
These were more expensive.  They were $14.00 for two; so 7 bucks each.

I wish I would have picked up one of these with the cool zinc top.
I've had my eye on this awhile and it's $199. price tag is pretty reasonable.
They had a few at the outlet.  I could have taken one home for about $65.
because it was unassembled and they didn't have the screws for it.
I can get my own screws and put it together for that price.
I must have some screws loose for not getting it.
See why I might go back?
Wisteria is not compensating me in any way for this little post...
but I wouldn't stop them if they wanted to.

My giveaway ends tonight and I'll post the winner early in the week.
I think I may hold one of those red burlap bags for a future giveaway.
I have plenty more little milk bottles I could put with it and 
is coming up May 1st and I've never participated before so that might be fun!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Nontraditional shelving

This week's themed link up at Funky Junk's Saturday Night Special is all about shelving.
Shelving?  I've got shelving.  I've got some traditional bookshelves in a couple of rooms,
but they are b.o.r.i.n.g.  

Just about anything I can stack on top of each other or put things on or hang is shelving around here.
Nontraditional shelving?  Oh yeah.  That's what I like.  
Here's a sampling of what I call shelving.

A collection of red stools stacked up become instant shelving.

That little one on top was the one my sister and I used as children.

I'll probably be on the hunt to add a few more little red stools.

Oh yeah, and then there's my little rusty ladder.

Instant shelving here.

One of my biggest shelving units is this old pie rack in the dining room.

It holds tons of stuff.

I love this color of old pine.

This old bread tin hung up vertically becomes great shelving. 
This hung in my mom's house in the 80's.  Yep, she was decorating like this 
back in the 1980's, before blogs.  Some thought she was clever; others thought she was crazy.

This too hung in my mom's the bathroom.

It held cotton balls and cotton swabs.

Old drawer hung on the wall holds a collection of tiny perfume bottles.
These would get lost on a big shelf.

These old cubby shelves hung in an outbuilding at my husband's grandparents',
and later his parents' house.

A little paint, a few numbers...

and now there a form of shelving.

They hold some old kitchen utensils in the dining room.

A cute little chair becomes a cute little shelf.

I wish I could take credit for this shelf but I bought it years ago at an antique mall.
Someone took either an old sign or a large old crate and turned into the cutest shelf.

Many of you have seen before my old wooden shelving in my project room.

It's perfect for holding office supplies.

Now take a look at a future shelf I hope to spiff up.

This blue monster is huge and metal and industrial and vintage and free.
A teacher I work with gave it away.  I took it and it's sitting in my room at work.
I have to figure out a way to get it home.

Can you just picture it painted a fresh coat of creamy white?
It would make awesome shelving...if I ever get it home.

Don't forget my giveaway.  
It ends tomorrow night.
You can click on the button at the top of my sidebar to learn more.

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