Monday, July 25, 2011

cottage mail

My cousin, Gale, has added a little something to her Austin cottage.  It's clever and so cute.

Gale took some photos of her new addition, had them printed and then sent them
to me by mail; you know, post office mail...hard copies.
I still love getting mail in my physical mailbox in the front of my house
but it makes it kind of hard to share the pictures with you.
I have to scan them into the computer and it's almost impossible to edit them.
I like what she's done though and really wanted to share it with you 
so here are the pictures she sent me.

Do you remember my cousin's cottage?  A few months ago, I shared
a lot of pictures of her house and gardens.  It was a cool spring day
in the early morning when I took the pictures.
If you missed the posts about the cottage, you can visit them
by clicking on the link on the upper right sidebar of my blog.

Here is her house on a hot Texas summer day.
Do you see her little addition near the road?
She's changed her mailbox.

She used an old sewing machine base (all perfectly white and chipped up, 
added a board to the top, a couple of smaller pieces of wood on each side
of the mailbox for support, nailed it all together and there you go!

How cute is that?


  1. We drove through your cousin's neck of the woods weekend before last. I always love seeing pics of her place. So pretty and peaceful.

  2. The sweetest cottage thanks to your cousin for allowing us to share.And that mailbox is perfect!

  3. very cute! i have a cottage style house too, built in 1930. I would so do something similar but my mailbox is one of those metal boxes on the siding next to my front door.

  4. That is the cutest little mailbox ever!!! And such a darling little cottage:)

  5. That is cute! I still love that cottage. . . .

  6. That's very cute! I predict we'll start seeing something almost exactly like that in magazines soon...

  7. that is the best thing ive seen in a long time. i love it so much. props cuz mad props.

  8. What a cute idea, like everything else she does! :)

  9. Super cute! What a great idea! It is so charming!

  10. Adorable idea! i am so loving this! xoox, tracie

  11. I love it !! Very cute and what a novel idea!!

  12. That must be the darn cutest mailbox I've ever seen... your cousin is a clever gal! Thanks for sharing this with us - happy WHite Wednesday :)

  13. I love this idea. I really would like to try that. I am addicted to collecting sewing machine bases and have used them for a lot of different things, but not this. I think it would look great right at my front steps. Thanks for sharing!!


  14. Adorable cottage. Love the mailbox idea.

  15. How Sweet~ what a wonderful idea & her cottage is adorable, I am now off to read about the old post.... Thanks for sharing, hope you'll stop on by my blog sometime soon~ Cheryl

  16. This is just too cute! I want one!

    Hope you will please drop by and enter my $50 Gift Card Giveaway!! If there are 500entries, the amount will increase the Gift Card to $100.
    Another Texas Blogger

  17. Now that is too cute, love the cottage and perfect mail box stand!
    Found you from Funky Junk linky party, I will check more of your blog later, hope to have you visit me.

  18. This is such a cool idea! Thanks to you and your cousin for the inspiration!

  19. Hi, Gina! I'm admiring all your creative posts here. Can you please share them at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop? Hope to see you there at the party :)

  20. a wonderful idea..i think i may have to copy it !!! thanks for posting !

  21. Hey Gina, is your cousin by chance having a sale this weekend? I was just on estate sale website and thought I recognized her cottage. Please email me at, I have questions to ask you. Thanks and Happy Sunday, Theresa


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