Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What do you think?...and a link

This is an old desk we have.  What do you think? Not too impressed are ya? It's going to be my next project for sunroom.  I have plans for this old desk and hopefully it's going to turn into a charming project table for me...hopefully.  But first, here's a little history.
This desk was built by one of my husband's family members a LOOOOOONG time ago.  My father-in-law who passed away several years ago used this desk along with one of his brothers to do homework when they were little.  Although I'm terrible at math, I think this must have been around the 1930's-early 1940's.  See the little drawer that's missing a knob?  There is another drawer on the other side of the desk on the opposite side (sort of in the area of where that little pillow is).  So, two people sat at this desk, one on each side and each had a drawer for their things.  That's about all my husband told me about this gem.
When we had our son, my mother-in-law gave my husband the desk for our son to use. It was in his room for several years as a desk.  For the last few years, it has been living in our home office which is primarily used by our son too.
The desk has a built in shelf underneath.
You can see that this desk has been "well-loved" in it's 80+ years and is in pretty bad shape.  My husband loves it just the way it is.  It has taken a LOT of convincing on my part to get him to agree to a little makeover for it.
Here's the other side.  The drawer is missing but not lost.  It's in another room full of stuff.  We will clean it out and put it back.
The drawers have little glass-like knobs that I may keep.  I'm not sure.  We've taken them off so I can do something to the desk to make it more me.
The desk is much larger than it looks in the picture.  The work surface is pretty big with plenty of room for completing projects.  So what do you think I should do with it?  I have ideas and ready to start on it right now.  I hope to have it completed this weekend.  I know what I think I want to do with it but I would love to hear any ideas you creative people have and want to share.

On a different note: Suzanne over at Meridian Road had a post today that I could so identify with.  If you  are not familiar with Suzanne's blog, you've got to see it.  She has amazing stuff and great ideas and she's funny.  The post today though was about her frustration with one aspect of blogging and I have the same frustration.  Do you?


  1. What a great family made piece. I would paint and distress it, but right now I am painting and distressing and glazing anything I can. It is so addictive.

  2. The possibilities are endless! The shelf underneath will come in handy, and the top looks big. Great for spreading out when you're working on something.

    I'm voting for paint~but maybe not on the top.

  3. Oh I love it! It's so chunky and worn. I can picture two little boys doing the school work at it. I think I would sand it back some. Not a lot but to clean it up a bit. Then keep either wax or oil it bring out the patina. Then, since it has such a nice little lip around it you could get some glass for the top and then you could put all sorts of things under the glass. Photos, wallpaper, old posters or signage. Whatever you do I'm sure it will look great!

    Saw Suzanne's post. I hope everyone reads it and follows though!

  4. I love that little desk. I wonder if your father-in-law and his brother sat at the ends as there is more knee room there than the sides (because of the shelf underneath).

    I think I would be tempted to put a larger top on so you could spread out while doing projects, although I do like the lip on the one that comes with the table.

  5. Oh, what a unique and special table! I think it would be cool to add wheels to it and use it as an project island of sorts! You could move it where ever you need it.


  6. I'm with Anita. I think I would put something on it to bring out a little shine and adding a piece of glass and putting old postcards, photos, etc, underneath would add such a nice touch. I think it would be hard for me to paint it because of its history. Can't wait to see what you do...

  7. That is such a priceless piece! I love the construction with both sides have the little drawer. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  8. I would keep this one the natural wood. You saw my old table from my husbands family. I think a good sanding, restain gloss finish would be great and leave it with all it's character, hubbie would be happy too. Go funky with the knobs. And I know you will put something really great displayed top and bottom!

  9. I'm having the same dilema with the twin bedroom set that my FIL and his brother grew up with. The finish is in need of some lovin', but I don't know quite what to do with it. I'm always a sucker for painted wood...but a dark stain would be lovely on your desk all cleaned up.

    And YES...I have the same pet peeve about blogging!

  10. Ooh that's a gorgeous piece! See how you keep getting all this awesome stuff?

  11. I think it looks great in it's natural state. I'm sure whatever you decide to do will make it look wonderful.

  12. I get really dicey about painting wood. It has to be beyond redemption for me to be happy with paint.

    But...stripping and refinishing is soooooooooo much work.

    I can't vote. I abstain. I don't want to create obscene work for you.

  13. I love that ol' desk! ! It looks great now. I can only imagine how awesome it's going to look when you're done with it! I can't wait to see what you do with it!


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