Monday, March 28, 2011

...screeching halt

Are you ever just so busy with so many things and just running around trying to do it all and then all of the sudden something unexpected happens and everything comes to a screeching halt?

Meet Maisy.

She's our unexpected something that happened.  My husband and son surprised me with her Sunday evening after Jennie and I returned from Round Top/Warrenton.  It was a total shocker.  I grew up with small dogs but my husband did not.  He doesn't like small dogs (anything under 40 pounds is small to him.)  I've been talking a lot lately about wanting a small dog.  I love my labs but I miss having a little lap dog who curls up in my arms.  I thought I would have to work months to convince my husband.  

Then he saw this little thing.  She's a Maltese-Yorkie mix; a "Morkie".  
She weighs 1.7 pounds and should grow to about 4 pounds.
She's 7 weeks old.   
She's spunky and not afraid of anything. 

She's about the size of a soda can although it weighs more.  
This cute little fur-ball of a surprise has interrupted all of the posts I have planned
so hang in there with me.  I'll get them up.  I have so much to show and tell you from
Round Top/Warrenton, photos of my cousin's cottage, a giveaway and so much more.

Oh, and my husband?  He's completely smitten with her.  She crawls up on his chest, 
snuggles under his neck and naps with him.


  1. OK, that is the cutest puppy I have ever seen!! What a wonderful surprise! They do have a way of stealing your heart!
    I'm glad your hubby loves her too!!

  2. so cute congrats on the new addition!! i found a corgi/husky mix on craigs list (i shouldnt be allowed on there) she is THE cutest thing I want her so badly!

  3. OMGsh that is the sweetest little puppy! I don't like dogs but can I have him?

  4. Awwww, how precious! My husband doesn't like small dogs either, but I doubt he would ever change his mind like yours did.
    I bet picking up poop is a lot easier too! lol

  5. My Bubba is a Morkie, he is almost 2 and is a little over 9 lbs.He is the first dog that I ever got to pick out for myself , he loves other dogs , and is not afaid of anyone or anything. He is a lot of company and follows me everywhere.

  6. Oh my goodness she's adorable - completely adorable. I can see why you are all smitten. Didn't your father always have Yorkies or was it you when you were a child? I just remember we have a Yorkie connection.

  7. She is the tiniest thing ever! What a cutie. I'm sure she will be lots of fun to have around.

  8. Oh Maisy is ADORABLE....How will you EVER get any work done now with that cute little pup NEEDING cuddles & nursing.... :o) ??!!

    I was SORRY to have missed you at Round Top Lovey....From your pics I see we looked at a LOT of the same things....You must DEFINITELY get to Marburger at some stage....It was A-W-E-S-O-M-E & I ONLY got to see TWO tents....!!!!!

    Have a BRILLIANT week my Friend & give little Maisy a CUDDLE for me....!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah xx

  9. What a great surprise and a sweet husband. That dog is so stinking adorable.


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